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How to Perform PIP for the Switcher?

To enable PIP & POP:

1 Select the video to be inside the small box (can be any one from the 6 sources)

2 Select the main video (can be any one from the 6 sources)

3 Select the needed transition effects

4 Press PIP1/2/3/4 button

5 Press TAKE Button

You will now see the picture in picture box appear on the screen. To select a different position, press any of the position buttons. For PIP/POP without transition effects, you an also press CUT button for switching.


  1. PIP 1-3 are aux picture in picture, you can configure the location and window size at web back end. X&Y are for adjusting location, while W&H are for adjusting size.
  1. PIP4 is aux picture outside of picture, you can configure the location and window size at web back end. X&Y are for adjusting location, while W&H are for adjusting size, you can even add a background image for POP.
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